As you may know that our Fire Service Training Coordinator Jimmy Byers has asked to retire for the Training Coordinators position. Coordinator Byers has provided us many years as our coordinator and supported the Fire/ Rescue program through the Career Center. We certainly appreciate Mr. Byers service and dedication to advancing our training program throughout the county. We wish him well and we know that he will still be engaged with training in Franklin County.
Over the past few months a committee through the Fire Chiefs Associations was formed to review and update the training position and start the selection process. This committee has worked diligently to develop a job description and a process to appoint a person that can continue to advance the training program. I would like to thank in advanced Committee Members for their many hours of works in past few months, Chief’s Dustin Ulrich, David McGlynn, Chris Devers and Mark Sanders.
Attached is the Training Coordinators Position Description, and the instructions and link to apply. The application will be open until December 31, 2023. After that the committee will review the resumes submit and conduct interviews with potential candidates. Please disseminate this information throughout your department and reach out to induvial’ s that you think maybe a good fit for this position.
If you have any questions on the position description please feel to reach out to any committee members for guidance.
Job Description Fire Coordinator – 12.5.23
The application can be found at this link